Asquith Girls High School

Excellence. Commitment. Effort. Leadership.

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Education Week - Proud to Belong

Education Week - Proud to Belong

Senior students on how the Education Week’s 2024 theme ‘Proud to Belong’ relates to them:


My days at AGHS are flourished by my connection to my friends and learning. The connection between school and student is prominent in my learning success. Although I had joined the school later than my peers, it has never felt that way. My parents constantly say “this is the school for me” as I feel as though I have found my place of belonging. 


The welcoming and caring environment at AGHS gives me a strong sense of belonging. The school's commitment to creating a friendly environment enables me to express myself while feeling welcomed and respected. The vast range of activities and possibilities provided at AGHS allows me to follow my interests and enhance my abilities, which strengthens my bond with the school.


When I first entered AGHS, I didn’t know what to expect. It was my first time attending a school in Australia and I hope for it to be my last. I grew up in a strict Catholic school back in my home country where I struggled to fit in the school throughout the majority of my life. Once I entered AGHS, it made me meet some of the most amazing people that have helped me feel like who I am today. The support of my teacher’s was unimaginable and something that I would’ve never gotten back when I was younger. AGHS’s diverse community helps me shape who I am today and I’m able to express my identity without feeling judged. With the variety of subject selections, I’m able to pursue a future education that helps me do what I enjoy. Thanks to AGHS, I wouldn’t have been able to express myself and step out of my comfort zone. That's why I’m proud to belong to AGHS. 


The beautiful souls I am friends with at Asquith Girls High School are truly a gift. I know these girls have my best interests in mind, looking out for me during rough patches. Even outside of my friend group I have strong connections with those in my grade and in the grades above and below. We all take care of each other; that’s what makes me proud to belong.


I am proud to belong to a school community that promotes positive relationships by emphasising the integrity of supporting each other, encouraging cohesion in our year group and highlighting the importance of humour in difficult situations to contribute to our collective success in academic, personal and extracurricular opportunities. 


Aside from the wonderful friends I’ve made in my year group, the people who have really made school a place I feel like I belong in are the teachers. I truly value teachers who I have gotten to know over the years as mentors and people I feel comfortable asking questions and making jokes around. There are going to be teachers at school who give you confidence about being here. They will take notice of your interests and wish you a happy birthday. Moments like that fill me with a sense of pride to belong to the AGHS community.


AGHS is a place I feel I belong as I am surrounded by the most amazing group of friends who are supportive, make me laugh and are always there when needed. They are my family and without school that family wouldn’t exist. The teachers at school celebrate my successes and genuinely care about helping me improve, making school a place I feel accepted.