The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10 with Mathematics at Asquith Girls High School being taught by a dynamic group of teachers who aim to inspire students while creating confidence and enjoyment in this subject. The aim is for students to:
be confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives and as active citizens;
develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with mathematical processes, and be able to pose and solve problems and reason in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability;
recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible, enjoyable discipline to study, and an important aspect of lifelong learning.
Students have opportunities to experience incursions, attend excursions and participate in Mathematics competitions, Mathematics challenge days as well as Mathematics week activities. The Mathematics department runs a free homework centre called MEIOW (Mathematics Enrichment & Improvement on Wednesday) where students have the opportunity to ask teachers for additional help or work quietly on their Mathematics homework or study.
Stage 4
Students use mathematical terminology, algebraic notation, diagrams, text and tables to communicate mathematical ideas, and link concepts and processes within and between mathematical contexts. They apply their mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding in analysing real-life situations and in systematically exploring and solving problems using technology where appropriate. Students develop fluency with a range of algebraic techniques and in the solution of familiar problems. In solving particular problems, they compare the strengths and weaknesses of different strategies and solutions.
Stage 5
Stage 5.1 students explain and verify mathematical relationships, select and use appropriate strategies to solve problems, and link mathematical ideas to existing knowledge and understanding. They use mathematical language and notation to explain mathematical ideas, and interpret tables, diagrams and text in mathematical situations.
Stage 5.2 students use mathematical arguments to reach and justify conclusions. When communicating mathematical ideas, they use appropriate mathematical language and algebraic, statistical and other notations and conventions in written, oral or graphical form. Students use suitable problem-solving strategies, which include selecting and organising key information, and they extend their inquiries by identifying and working on related problems.
Stage 5.3 students use deductive reasoning in problem solving and in presenting arguments and formal proofs. They interpret and apply formal definitions and generalisations and connect and apply mathematical ideas within and across substrands. They demonstrate fluency in selecting, combining and applying relevant knowledge, skills and understanding in the solution of familiar and unfamiliar problems.
Stage 6
In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include:
Mathematics Standard - providing students with the opportunity to improve their skills to solve problems relating to their present and future needs, and improve their understanding of how to communicate in a concise and systematic manner.
Mathematics Advanced - providing students with the opportunity to develop ways of thinking and use mathematics as a powerful way of viewing and modelling the world to investigate patterns, order, generality and uncertainty.
Mathematics Extension 1 - providing students with the opportunity to develop their awareness of the interconnected nature of mathematics, its beauty and its functionality.
Mathematics Extension 2 - providing students with the opportunities at progressively higher levels to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to concepts within areas of mathematics that have applications in an increasing number of contexts and develop strong mathematical manipulation skills and a deep understanding of the fundamental ideas of algebra and calculus, as well as an appreciation of mathematics as an activity with its own intrinsic value involving invention, intuition and exploration.