Scientific literacy is defined as the capacity to use knowledge, identify scientific questions and draw evidence based conclusions in order to understand and help make decisions about the natural world and the changes made to it through human activity. At Asquith Girls we aim to inspire girls to be passionate about Science, to be inquisitive and to seek out deeper understanding. Science is both hands on and exploratory in nature, building the future focused skills of creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication leading to the development of young people with a global awareness for success beyond school.
Stage 4 - Year 7 & 8
In these formative years students are inspired and nurtured by caring and dedicated teachers, passionate about establishing the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for scientific literacy. Each term students will engage in a different branch of Science – Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Earth & Space, facilitated through authentic, hands-on learning experiences and STEM. Students are supported by extensive online resources that provide them with learning experiences that make Science relevant and fun.
Stage 5 – Year 9 & 10
The learning continuum of the 4 fundamental Sciences continues - Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Earth & Space, leading students on a pathway of expertise and interest that will provide a smooth transition into Stage 6 Science. Knowledge and skills in Science are reinforced and extended, authentic learning relates to more complex world problems and considers solutions. Marine and Aquaculture is offered as a 200hr elective.
Stage 6 - Year 11 & 12
Science offers choices of Investigating Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth & Environmental Science and Extension Science (Year 12). Experienced teachers who are experts in their chosen field lead students to become independent learners, able to effectively use the scientific method, to think critically and to apply knowledge and skills to both familiar and unfamiliar situations, ready to address real world problems faced in our rapidly changing environment.