We are looking forward to welcoming our Year 7 2025 students and their families to Asquith Girls High School.
The first day of school for all students is Thursday 6 February 2025.
To assist your preparation for the start of 2025, we have created this page that has essential information about starting Year 7, including the uniform, equipment and technology requirements for our school. Items in bold and underlined are links to further information.
Year 7 Orientation Handbook that contains useful information about our school, such as details of key school personnel, bell times, curriculum requirements, school map and term dates for 2025.
Information about our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program, including specifications required for devices to enable connection to the AGHS wifi network.
All students and parents/carers are required to complete the AGHS Technology Charter and BYOD User Agreement before students can use their device or access technology at AGHS. A copy of this agreement will be sent by email to all incoming students and their parents/carers to be completed electronically prior to their commencement at AGHS.
The Equity Loan Laptop Agreement for students and families who are not in a position to purchase their own device. This document must be completed and returned to the school if a loan laptop is required.
Year 7 Camp Information - the Year 7 Camp will be held early in Term 1 from 24-26 February 2025 and all students are encouraged to attend. Parents/carers have been emailed the online permission note and payment link via School Bytes.
School uniform requirements: The AGHS school uniform is sold by The School Locker.
Onsite uniform shop opening hours: During term time, the uniform shop is open on Wednesdays from 7.30-11.15am and on the first Friday of each month from 1.30-4.30pm. Additional opening hours include the following dates for the upcoming school holidays:
- Thursday 23 January 9.00am-12.00pm and 1.00-4.00pm
- Thursday 30 January 1.30-4.30pm
- Friday 31 January 1.30-4.30pm
- Monday 3 February 8.00-11.30am
Students and parents/carers will have the opportunity to purchase directly from the store or students can try on uniforms before purchasing either in store or online.
A variety of good quality second hand uniforms are also available for purchase from the onsite shop.
The Locker Hire Agreement for any student who wishes to hire a locker. Please be aware that we will send a separate email with the details of how to pay for a locker and to complete the electronic locker hire agreement prior to the end of this year.
Transport for NSW information for students who need to apply for or update their school OPAL card.
Extracurricular activity flyer that provides an outline of the many opportunities that are available to students at Asquith Girls High School.
Flexischools with information on how to place online orders for the canteen.
NSW Department of Education Getting ready for high school guide